

A fully equipped baby feed, change and play area is located toward the rear of the auditorium. Parents or carers of young children are able to use this area and see and hear the church service on the screen provided. 

COMETS CRECHE (Crawling - 4 years)

Our Comets Creche programme provides a friendly, fun and safe environment for your child.

The crèche room will be open from 9.20am allowing time for parents and guardians to sign in and drop off their child prior to the service starting. Crèche is staffed by three volunteer leaders who will care for your child during the service. Infants and Toddlers will hear about the love God has for them as they spend time with our leaders in free play, guided play and an array of bible activities.


Both of these groups meet during the Sunday morning service in the seminar room.  Parents are able to sign their child in from 9.20am at the gazebo located outside the church building.

These groups are fun and engaging with arts & crafts, bible teaching, drama and music.